feeling: like crap
hearing: johhny cash
my head hurts, my throat hurts, my eyes are burning, i can't talk..i think im sick.
im gonna kill everyone who got me sick. i feel like shit ran over twice. today my mom woke us up and was like "we're all going out to breakfast for valentines day!" i was like ok mom... we ended up going and coming home right after so it wasn't tooo bad. thanks to james i remembered to to my freaking world cultures report today. i did the whole thing it only took like two hours. it was really easy im so excited its over.
yesterday my parents did go out we got subway so that was a plus i guess. i hope my mom takes me to target tomorrow so i can get my sunglasses they are so fucking hot. i can't believe i found the pair i've been looking for! they are twenty fucking dollars, but i don't care. they are so damn cute. if i find a pic ill put it on here.
this week is going to be good i can feel it. thursday we have a pizza party at beattie, friday we have no beattie so that means me+sarah+steph=hot date at the hot dog shop! im thinking we are probally going to go to the mall friday too..bc i want to. monday no school and sarahs birthday. maybe sarah will even have a birthday party?!?!?!? wahhoo
they kinda look like that but cuter and not so ugly on the sides

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