|hella boredddd]
heyyyyyy!! whad up playas?? School in 3 days, and im actually excited, bcuz im gonna be a junior..ow ow!! Haha..too bad i'll be in drivers ed w/ a buncha sophomores. i took it this year cuz im still 15!! woo woo...hmm well neway, let me explain my entry name thinger...
You'll get a kick outta this one...
OK, so my cousin allie is here for the weekend, cuz we still need to get things straightened out with where she is..long story, buut...she slept over last night cuz for some reason she likes to sleep here, and we were all gonna go to the pool today and do the family thing. well, allie asked to sit up front in the car, and i like rolled my eyes, no big deal. my mom like flipped out. i didn't say a thing, i just rolled my eyes, and she seriously blew up at me, she said she was gonna make me clean the whole attic, what a bitch...and she kept saying that i wasn't going to the pool and that she was gonna leave a LONG list of chores for me. whoa...big deal. So then she finds out that i don't care if i go to the stupid pool or not and tries to make me go and makes me sit in the car, and then comes outside to get in and yells at me cuz i had a "look" on my face. umm..did she expect me to smile? psh, soooo then i go back inside cuz she tells me to and then comes in AGAIN, she said i had to go get the look off my face and then come back out, well i walk outta the bathroom and she's like, you can stay home and clean the attic BLAH BLAH BLAH...ugh, so i was just like fine whatever, and then i went up to the attic cuz i dont think she expected me to, but i did..haha, she went to the bottom of the stairs to the attic and told me to come down and was trying to be all nice now, like tried to talk to me so that we could have a "nice day." then she was like if u wanna go to the pool we're in the car, and the only reason they hadn't left yet was because we were waiting for my other cousin to come cuz she was coming too. So i was up in my room changing outta my swim suit, cuz i didn't wanna go, and she's outside talking to my uncle, and then made my sister come ask me if i was coming or not, obviously making it MY choice whether i went or not, well when i said no she was like "FINE BUT U CAN'T GET ON THE COMPUTER, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH" ughh what a bitch. so i sat in my room all day and watched TV..lol. fun right? so i guess i won the fight bcuz i didn't have to put up with her shit, i didn't have to clean the attic or do ne other chores...i sat in my room all day and watched TV...how great.
whoa, that was a long story, i have a feeling this will be one of those many no comment entries because of its boringness/length. lol, i don't care!! it feels good to get it out!!!!
haha well im gonna get going!! BYEE!!**
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