[music|SoCo//"I want to save u"]
Yay for report cards. I got mine. Just because I'm bored I'll list my awesome grades...(psh)
W. Cultures-93
Culinary Arts-74 (it's all stempy's fault! lol!)
ow ow...haha jk, it's now that good, I didnt make honor roll....soooooo. I made it once this year, 3rd mp! But, oooo well. I'll do better next year. I hope i get some good teachers....................
yeah so i'm really bored. I went swimming today at Mech. pool, with my aunt. (+Dan and Matty!)
heres some news on the girls.-tracy was doing a whole lot better, and then today they were cleaning out her breathing tubes and her brain started to swell because it iritated her..so they were gonna close the whole up in her head, but they need to "unswell" her head again! I really hope she's OK! She's the sweetest person EVER. Amber might be going home tomorrow. She started walking yesturday...so yeah they think she might just go home. They wanted her to go see Tracy first b4 she left, and today she couldnt becuz of those problems i just told u about, but Amber might be able to go see her tomorrow. Alright...
Well, I'm gonna go!! LATTTTTTTTAAAAAA!!
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