[music|The TV]
Yo!! So this week was quite the interesting one....thursday michelle called and i went over to her house. Me and her and Brittney chilled and made mud slides...woo woo!! haha, they were good but they made us sick after awhile!! (it's pudding, oreoes and whipped cream!) Then we just chilled and made plans for that night. It was like 1ish, and we met gumper and quinton outside, and then we chilled at her neighbors house, michelle has some great fun!! lol....read her diary for details, cuz it's def. not my story to tell!!! But neway, then around 3 we got in the car and went to denny's, and got fries, which was a waste of time AND money bcuz we got it as take out and they were just gross.....i think they're still under her bed!! lol, then we went to bed, and woke up and went to her bro's basket ball camp award thing, which was funny all thanks to the kid with the mullet!! I mean, I'm not talking just a thing that LOOKS like a mullet i'm talkin full blown mullet....ask michelle it was hilarious!!!! I found out some pretty sad news...my sisters friend Tracy and Amber got in a really bad accident, amber is OK, but tracy isn't looking too good...they said thay if she lives then she's be brain damaged....i love those girls sooo much!!! i seriously hope they're both OK, bcuz i just can't deal with that!! Jess is really torn up about it. Both of these girls were like a 3rd and 4th sister!! I'm praying for them, and I know that they can make it thru this. BUt, then we went to michelle's house and she cleaned and then my dad picked us up and we came to my house, and we made plans to go to the movies. We didn't go until like 9:30, and we got tickets and saw like the 1st 15 mins of the movie, and then went to the bathroom and got dip-n-dots, and never went back in!! We walked over to Wally World, and we saw gumper, quinton, and michael...they offered us a ride home, so we took it, and then we got home and well yeah that was it!! Now we're at my house chillin...well she's playing nintendo with my bro! lol...i'm gonna go tho!! Later!!
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