Listening to: minus the bear-monkey!!!.kife!!.fight!!!
i havent writing in my lj sence aug 18 so i wrote in it today felt good because i can write in there about stuff i cant here because there are some people that can read this so i cant write everything of course i will be writing in this every 5 sec this i do but i will also be writing the lj about stuff i can in here you see. but if you would like to now my lj leave a comment are if you now my aim im me. oh yeah im not a lj person so i was wondering if anyone can show how to make mine look pretty which im saying i need to know how i can put codes on there.
well im off to go hunt down garden state with matt.
yes im leaving the house.
i think i might pee my pants
new aim EngineHeartRobot
EDIT: thanks to matt a left the house .today was good
garden state is a lovely movie
today was good
ramble ramble ramble!!!!!
im really really happy for some reason would it be the fact i have the fucking cools header then outspace monsters i think so and because im happy.
even if i have to work 4pm to 12:30 am