i will not stop. stop pushing that button that frezzes the moment.

thats my new bennie and shirt one of the fine things that i picked up from goodwill. proff that people are good willing. GO BIG BLUE as my hat so gracefully points out on the top of it with a fuzzy ball.
oh dearist friend oh i love hanging out with you our meals are the best chinese is the best eating chinese with you is the best.
i see you cricket you big black cricket at first i mistakin you for a cocroch thank good you were just a cricket a big black cricket. i fought you white paper limo it will take you to your destanation. that green grass outside away from these evil people in this little home that i sleep and sit in day in and day out that i fear i will be stuck in forever.i still have the tast of that banana cookie that so reminded me that i was once a monkey that excapet from the zoo two days ago. i miss the zebras they were stripy i like stripy i like manythings.
i like you
i like you more everyday
so talk to me.
dancestorelove is were you will find me on aim.
ill be there tell morning late morning when the birds come out and peak thier heads in my window and give me a warning to get off my ass and make some coffee. vanilla flavored coffee. hmmmm i can image the smell now. and eating a banana not a bandana a banana.
i broke in to your house last night
and left a note at your bed side .
im far to shy to speack to you at school
you leave me no matter much you want.
i find it easyer to sit and stare.-snow patrol
my eyebrow iches.
i want to hold your head and kiss you
and can you ware the to to you tryed on for me yestureday
i sware i will not tell you friends
by all mean i dont not want to start a funny moment between friends. so excusse me while i leave.


to all my lovers and fellow encounter
i dance for the.

i feel like taking a stick and my top hat and dancing. dancing for money.
the dance store is open in about 5 hours after a nice sip of coffee vanilla flavored coffee. with a bit are cream. i can for get my blush have to look pretty for the danceing guys
they dance
they dance my dance
in dreams they dance this dance for lovers
this is the journal of jounals
firstkissfeelings-is the journals of peoms
pinkpaperclips- is no longer a jounal by a looky looky thing
i dont need this hair
i spit on the
tisk tisk
on the dog that stole my cap.
and made me miss my cab
joan of arc was a fool.
and crazy lady fool
with lots of hair on her legs
shes a tale
and thats one tale that doesnt make me belive
i feel 21 tonight
mybe if i go up to a bar and say that and talk to the bar tender i can get myself a cocktail. and a cherry pie i love cherry pie with cocktails
xiu xiu im coming closer to you everyday.
the first i will arive in a car with my dearist friend. i will have a penny in my pocket it will be for your thoughts.
i have a feeling my stomach oh bathroom are the calling me to sit and relive myself.
i think so. it a bit sick if you think of it me thinking of this now.
this world is not fun anymore
back to my mind
its my own little world
with faries
and suckers
but now sweet talkers
*secret* my top hat is the entrance.
so come and join me
damn eyebrow!
cool hat
ur shirt reminds me of a candy cane
but its mostly wat i feel at the time..
a house of candy?
i know this forest.
i've heard of a house made of candy is there.
i've also heard there is great evil there as well.
shall we walk together on a fun adventure?
we can stop by the goodwill on the way,...you know,.. to pick up magic potions and art supplies n'stuff.
this may sound perverse, but there is nothing quite like the feel and the sound and the awe-inspiring rush of someone trying to throttle you while you try to break their legs off below the knee.
But hey, if it's not your knee, no problem. Yes?
I'm rather fond of bones. They are useful to prod stuff with. Otherwise, it would like trying to type with hot-dog wieners. Or dude wieners - an intriguing thought.
Or something equally horrific. Like a rabid pigeon or a filthy racoon. Or flies lay eggs in you.
something like that, anyway. No, bones are definitely good.