erase whats inside thougths of past lovers and the heartbrake motel.life is aberrant with annexation sexes and ghost pirate ships.
jane left a year. she return with a hammer in the chest. tom died 2 month ago. and is now geting unbared for his gold but the only thing they found was his cold body with his hand folded on this chest,his cheek were pink like some one was tring to make him look like a rag doll. you can barely see the scars anymore. the only thing you notice the most is his half smile that is telling you that his life was perfect in some sort of way.

i try so hard to please people
which is making me inadiquite.
the background picture that i have is a picture is a still life picture i took i think i didnt a good job on it but its not what i want i didnt want to do it as a photo i wanted to draw it i had the still like on my computer desk of over a month and didnt do anything with it its not like i got lazy i just couldnt draw it. and cant do may of the art i use to. i do stuff on the computer alot now which is going to fuck me up in a long run so me quiteing advertising design class will help so i can take photograph 2 and painting and drawing 3 owow 3 already by they time im in my last year i will be finshed with all the art classes that sould show some collages.i miss the feeling that i could to multi-art. it made feel so good that i could do all art and be great at its its the only thing that is going to make me something in this world. i have no back up career. which is scary at time what would i do if i couldnt get into collage what would become of me were would i be no were still here the place i want to leave the most.
i was born a unicorn you said you belived in me is that why all the other unicorns are dead. by the unicorns
hmm oh bitter sweet oh i love me some unicorns right now
i wish i had an empty bottle of vodka.
happy turkey day to you as well?
man. that's awesome. who's ur bf?