Feeling: inspired
So thanks to Khoa and Facebook, I've come across some of those amazing and inspiring things that life offers.
1. Jeux D'Enfants, or Love Me If You Dare, a French movie.
The review I wrote on Netflix:
I just finished watching it. And my head hurts. A remarkable movie that is one of its kind. There is a beauty in its originality, in its talented actors, and its story. If one does not question its premise and only allows it to overwhelm and to take hold, one will find oneself conflicting with emotions that may have never been in contact with each other ever before. You feel happy, depressed, confused, enlightened. This movie is not for everyone, for the concept of a love that transcends human reason is not an easy for anyone to accept. But that is exactly what this movie is about. If you want a ride that pulls at and shakes up your heart, your rationality, and your outlook of the world and of life and of love, I definitely recommend this movie to you. But be ready to put logic away for awhile -- only then will your mind accept this masterpiece."
Khoa recommended this movie to me a LONG time ago. I remember him sheepishly confessing, "... It makes me want to have a girlfriend more, lol."
I have to tell you the truth -- my rational self really awfully conflicted with this movie. It is twisted example of that same theme found in "Mutually Assured Destruction," a fanfic by jandco, and even Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë: An obsessive, all-consuming love that transcends human reason.
The movie itself is beautifully shot, with its own romantic and then sexy and then mind-blowing parts. I loved it. It just took me awhile for my sanity to grasp it.
Though I don't know if I can say the same as Khoa. I don't know if I would like a love like that. (Though it does say something about him, if he really loved this movie so much.) But it is, in a way, the most self-sacrificial kind of love, while at the same time being the most selfish kind.
This still makes my head hurt.
2. Brandon M. Bell, a poet.
It's funny how music can bring people together. I found Brandon Bell on that day when I was stalking the web for more Corinne Bailey Rae music:
Well, I wanted to say how coincidental it was that you came up twice today, when I was searching up Corinne Bailey Rae's music. First, you were the only comment on Corinne's "Your Love is Mine" on imeem, and then when I googled "corinne bailey rae album booklet", your Facebook link page came up.
Just wanted to shout out to another who has good musical taste. :]
How insane is that?
Well, today he put up a new poem, and of course, it reminded me of that past drug of mine. Which I don't think I'll ever be fully rehabilitated from.
I feel like...if I ever came across him again in life, and we were both married with children, he'd be that kind of guy that I would have an affair with. That guy that would bring my attention back to the fact that I went down the wrong path.
That's horrible.
3. Shawn Stucky, an artist.
Brandon Bell often posts artwork with his writing in his Facebook notes (
), and lately, he's been focused on this artist. I really like his work, so I went to his site. I clicked on a link to an article interviewing him and read it out of curiosity, and I really liked this passage in it:
"Eventually I learned to accept it," he says, "but it still sounds funny to me...an artist that is color blind is like a chef with no taste buds. It's just backwards. I used to think it was a problem and that I wouldn't be taken seriously as a graphic designer, let alone an artist. Now that I think about it, I believe my color blindness gives me a unique perspective. I know I see things differently than most people who view my work. I will always wonder what everyone else sees."
I will always wonder what everyone else sees.
4. The Bird and The Bee, a band.
Khoa uploaded this into our shared ZumoDrive folder yesterday. Can I just say how crazy my musical taste is? lol. I go from French to jazz to rap to classical to techno. It's insane.
But yeah, I really like this band. Their tones are really upbeat, and yet the female vocalist has really good vocals. It's chill, but not depressing chill. Not to mention that the lyrics are so very well-written, which I didn't find out until I really did look them up and add them into the files.
For example:
"From the west to the east I have flown to be near you.
I have come all this way to be close, to be here with you.
And now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feet.
My beloved, oh my sweet,
All the gifts you have given me --
The patience and the peace,
Cherry blossoms and the candy --
I am yours, I am yours,
for as long, for as long as you will have me.
"Love Letter to Japan."
One night a meteor came to my door,
And he asked me to dance.
One night a shooting star,
He traveled far just to ask me to dance."
"All of the ways you spoke to me.
All of the things you provoked in me.
I'll always love you.
All of the time you spent away from me.
All of the missed opportunity.
I'll always love you.
Diamond Dave,
No one can hold a candle.
Nothing else is quite the same.
Pretty Dave,
I'll always remember.
I still carry such a flame."
"Diamond Dave."
Isn't it funny how those songs on the same album can refer to two different people from my life? Haha.
I ought to start my college stuffs.
P.S. Khoa's videomails and music make my days lately. I think they saved my week.

also, yes, knowing that I am going places gets me through so many days and makes it so much easier to deal with certain people.