Listening to: 1,000 Things by Jason Mraz.
Feeling: content
So... I thought it would be interesting (to me, maybe not anyone else, hahaa) to keep a blog of my dad-less days.
And wow, it'll be my first "daily" (hopefully) blog thing. Because now, I have a reason: To record each and all things about my taste of freedom before my father comes back in a month.
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I just got home, literally a minute ago.
This laptop that I've been hauling in my black and white piano-keys bag (along with my fat-ass U.S. History textbook) feels cold under my fingers, lmao. I hope I did a good job at protecting it from hard surfaces and harsh impacts. It is my baby after all.
-- I was cold. When Moleca and I walked (with all my heavy shit) all the way from Westchester Square to Morris Park in the cold wind, my ears became too cold and my head started to hurt. But it was easily righted when we dropped off our stuff at her house to walk to the library with Mika playing on ze iPod. ♥
-- My shoulders hurt. Having two "tote" bags isn't great when they're filled with heavy things. Especially when you've previously been a spoiled baby who gets her things carried due to her scoliosis problems and gets driven everywhere, lolz.
-- I really need to take a shower.
-- I burned a lot of energy walking around with the bestie. Which is great. :]
-- Seeing the sun set down Rhinelander was great too. And so was being outside in general, even if it is cold.
-- My knees cracked when I sat down to type this. >_>
Hahaa, Day 1, Dad? Not bad at all. ;]
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-- I stole my dad's computer speakers from his room and set them up in MY room. :D
-- I turned on the audio and visual notifications on my Adium Chat. So now, there's no excuse for me not to answer you if you IM XD
-- Using my iPod going to school and coming back was AMAZING. You don't understand. Earphones must never be in the presence of my father. So having music with me at every minute... -sighs-
-- Not having to worry about getting caught with my skirt was happily stressless.
-- Moleca and I walked to the Morris Park library and back, resulting in more calorie-burning. xD. Not to mention all the dance-walking. [Only sad thing was that they still didn't have Into the Wild at the library, something I really really really want to watch.
-- I walked into my apartment to find the cute Hispanic boy from the sixth door going inside. He held the door for me, and I said "Thank you." And then when I went upstairs to immediately check myself in the mirror, I found that I didn't look nearly as bad as I thought as I did, a thought that made me smile to myself. :]
-- The soldiers on the 40 bus. Now, I don't know what made me think that way when I saw them. Maybe it was the fact that they had green duffle bags, or maybe it was the dejected expression on their faces. There was no doubt that they were from Maritime since they took this bus all the way down from the end, and it just struck me that maybe these built, handsome faces, were heading to war. Maybe these two young men sitting in the center of the bus, lounging in one seat with their huge bags taking up another, were about to be shipped away from their partners, on this last weekend of Valentine's Day, and maybe they were never meant to return.
Or maybe the entire thought process was just an illusion of my mind, a fact which I was happy to find out to be true. It was not only those two gentlemen, there were more in the back, only I hadn't seen them. But they all got out through the back door at Westchester Square, and the man in front of us with a rolling luggage almost hit Moleca with the door, since he couldn't hold it. She cried out, and he glanced back with the most concerned look on his face xD. He asked, "Are you okay???" And she just smiled, and he just smiled, as I just smiled, and I said, "She's just fragile." I was still holding the back door, and all the men that walked through said "Thank you" to me, and I replied, "You're welcome" to each and every one of them. Each time made me smile.
Moleca and I walked on, probably fated never to see them again. I turned back to watch them when we were waiting to cross a street, and they were all heading towards the subway. Going home, it was, instead of war, thank God; it's probably their spring break. It was a relief to know that I wasn't seeing dead men walking. Nevertheless... I still wish them luck, courage, peace, happiness, and Godspeed in all that they do. I'm just like that.
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Day One... success.
Since it was staring up at me from my iPod "wallpaper" every time I had to change the song. :]
