Listening to: Slow Me Down by Emmy Rossum
Feeling: content
Emmy Rossum.
If you don't already know, she's the female lead in The Phantom of the Opera movie. And a new pop album of hers came out in 2007.
I've kind of researched her, lolz.
Aside from the fact that she lived the musical life I've always wanted, she's just amazing in so many ways.
Even my friend agrees:
moleca: chick's perfect, hands down XD
moleca: I wanted to discover how much you can do without instruments and what the boundary of the human voice would be."
moleca: hot damn
moleca: if i were a lesbian i'd fall in love with her XD
moleca: like, immediately XD
me: RIGHT!?
And here's the best description of her that basically made me love her, lolz.
And yes, I'm still straight. XD.

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