Listening to: Relient K- More than Useless
Feeling: eager
Sooo its Munday...saturday i think i wrote in here so ill just recap once i remember what i did :)
Saturday stayed home and waited all day for nick to get home he didnt get home till 4 and then he had to do all this packing and crap then he was going to come over one last time to seee meeeeeee before he left but his mom took the car and all this crap..it was horrible..so i miss him evern more
Sundayyyy my lover left at 5 in the morning :( i got up about 10 i think then i wcalled dad..ended up going there until about 6:30 and my lil step sis came home with me and spent the night and all that jazz
Monday...today..oh boy...nothing...we got a freakin huge storm at like 5 this morning..woke me up..andi never wake up druing storms..the thunder was so loud i sware the house was shaking....freakkyyy
Lets see i called my 2 dears (Kami n Keegan) to see if they would come over swimming but the father said they took there lil pug to training..but he told them i called..so im hopeing they come over x3
Soo idk what time the lil sis is leaveing..no effense but shes getting quite annoying...grrr
Tomarrow i have no idea what im doing..nick comes home thursday..oh my does it seem soo far away :(

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