Listening to: My Chemical Romance- Im Not Okay
Feeling: broken
Oh boy where to begin...
Today is finally saturday..a.nd i did nothing all day but wait for nick to get home from his aunts house..he was supposed to b there till 2 but ended up home at 4..so i was bumbed and wanted hmi to come over...he still had a chance..just idk..
Then i was tlakin and then he said he'd come over but his mom wasnt home and she had the car...i was so bumbed...and still am..i seriously wanted to see him ebfore he left
Oh yeah hes leaving tomarrow for virginia beach..i wont see him talk to him or anything till like friday....how horrible
Well...tomarrow i guess im going to myd dads house for the day..no biggie
Well i seriously dont feel like writing..i havent been in the greatest mood all night...

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