heyy. yesterday i did, uhm NOTHING. i woke up late, talked to lauren and emily, andd looked at million dollar houses. i actually like doing that. my dads BUILDING one of those houses, like he brought his builder TO these houses, and hes building 2 just like it on a lot he bought like next to that HUGE pink house with the lake and the swan, well hes knocking it down and building 2 reallyyyyyyy nice houses. realistically, itll be done in january. and he said hed possibly move into one of them. so AWESOME, brand new luxxxxurious house. hah. oh and then his girrlfriend and her daughter are possibly coming on spring break with us, DUDE. are you kidding? this girl is in 8th grade and im gonna shoot myself. if she ends up coming, i think ill beg him to let me stay home. NOT even kidding. and then yesterday my mom was like "so, where do u want to go this summer, i was thinking like, spain or england or somewhere" im like...WHATT? and shes like, yeah it would just be you and me, since marlas not coming back, and im just like, mannnn i hate museums and old stuff, id rather go to like, bermuda. surprisngly, she was like OKay. and she said id possibly be able to bring a friend....awesome. and today, signing up for all these classes, i wanna be in honors. but liT, definetly not my high point, and geography, im not that good at that but the class im in right now is exactly like honors. its insane, we just dont go as fast. but i have an A in that, so why couldnt i do honors?...i dont even study or do work for this class. id just have to kick it up a notch. then science and math, no honors there. so we'll seee. oh and this weekend. mC is staying with me for a night or 2. not like the weekend will be any differnt cuz im with her all weekend anyway but HEY. we can parTy at her house, noooo parents :-D haha. so on the bus we were like, lets plan out the WHOLE weekend, so we dont have one of those days where u just sit there all day wishing you planned something. haha it should be a fun weekend. well im gonna do my math homework, hastaa LaUrn178: just call me shavonda. hahahhahahha
-vicki..for the third time
whats up homie!?!?! :))