hEy. its been an aright weekend. friday emily came off at my stop,,,sorry it is too tradition to break it hah. and then we finally went to chilis with everybody. that was pretty fun i guEss. thenn i slept at emilys casa with the girls, thats probly like 4 weekends in a row right? haha thats okay tho. and then saturday my dad just SHOWED up, so i had to get dressed within half a second, skipped the sla thing. rebellious i know. then yesterday i had to have 'family time' with a lady thats not even my friggin family but whatever. then we had to take her to the airport and we were only about 3 hours early so we had to sit in the airport restaurant with her while she waited. twatever, that was FUN. hah thats funy and then today ive been watching tv all morning, and then i decided to go get dressed and go running with sam and then sam wouldnt come outside so i got on the computer. haha . JenBabe4029: well natalie got another freaking guinea pig.. so if you enjoy her stories before.. times that by 2 because she has another.. twicwe the stories twice the party Boyyy that was funny. so maybe today ill do something, i wanna see laurens dawggg. so maybe ill go to her house? donno> we'll see. HASTA
happy i commented???
Lemme kno*
The thing with the links how they flip.
Let me kno~ thnkss :)