NOOOOO fuck i just realized i forgot my National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation movie at Andy's!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *cries*
well, besides that i had a totally amazing day♥I just got home from Andy's...its 3am :)
Got to his house around 12:30pm or so, where we played mario race kart and "goofed around" (haha). My pants were soaking wet from walking around st.vital all morning, so he borrowed me a pair of jeans, which looked funny. I was a total wigger, they hung way below my ass. After my entertainment, we exchanged presents. he was rather stoked on the chili peppers sheet music i got him, as well as the cookies i baked for him. But then i pulled out the PS2, all wrapped up, and hes like "You gotta be shitting me!" and he looks at who its from, and hes like "ahhh!!! why!!!" but ive seriously never seen him that happy. He was just in awe for like the next two hours. Being the total sweetheart I am, I had also walked to Rogers before walking to his house, and rented Shadows of the Collosus for him. Needless to say, the both of us played that game for probably at least five hours today. It's actually really good, i found myself becoming addicted (and beating areas of the game that andy couldn't, hahaha). But yea, so kudos to Jeff, Ian, Curtis, Adam and Marek for pitching in on it, he was so happy all day over it.
(quote from December 3rd, 2005, my sitD)
[Went shopping with Marek today]...found this amazingly beautiful necklace that looked so good on me (i want)
hehe, i got it from Andy♥ohhh i was so excited!
click it click it click it!!!!
The picture is kinda wanky, but its a dangeling heart from the chain. ohhh so excited!! :)
Anywho, after presents we went out and bought a memory card for him, and then came home and played Shadows for at least an hour. We also watched National Lampoon's Christmas vacation (which i forgot! *tear*). After dinner we played Shadows again, then went and rented The Island. By the time that movie was done we were soo tired we just kinda lied there. He ranted more about his ps2 and Shadows. Then he drove me home, where we chatted for a bit about Sonja (who he's hanging out with while im gone :S) and my issues related to that (how I sometimes dont feel good enough for him), as well as how i didnt want to go outta town. Then he told me thanx for the awesome day, kissed me a million times goodbye, and off i went.
yay, so that was my wonderful day. A lot to read, i know, so sue me. anyways, im tired, and i gotta be up in like, 5 hours. We're going out to Sandy Lake for the weekend, getting back monday. SOOOOOO....
p.s-get better soon Chels!! I love you!!♥

thank you for the gifts and visit!
im eating again!!! :D:D:D:D