Listening to: QOTSA - In My Head
Feeling: paranoid
(check out the great pic at the bottom!!! hahahah)
the videos on much, i love this song, and the videos cool too.
right, so i am writing this entry with one hand, and it is proving to be difficult. why am i writing with hand? well, lets start this off.
monday - slept in, worked 3:30 to 8:30, then just went home. went to sleep by 11:30 considering the next day was my day from hell.
tuesday - worked at the day care from 7:45am till 4pm. in the pre school area (instant death!! lol). it wasnt too too bad, but thats cuz a bunch of the kids were away on a field trip. i got to stay in the infant room for a while which was great cuz those kids are sooo cute. i was lieing on my bak and playing airplane with Tyson. so cute. Then i worked at IGA from 5-10. It wasnt bad either... trisha and i were deaf the whole night, cuz we deffinetly couldnt hear anything the other was saying. and when we did, it wasnt the right message, lol. oh boy. I closed with the two new people, Jason and Lindsay. This was nice and fun, cuz they are really good. They are better at the job then stephan, and he got hired a month ago...and last night was jason and lindsays second close ever. I let them do everything, and i just cleaned. The night was going off perfectly, and as the last thing for me to clean, i decided to clean the windows to the chicken warmer. after i had cleaned em, i wanted to put them back in without getting smudges on em. I was in the process of moving the one door with only three sides to the frame when those three sides decided to snap out and let the glass fall out. lol, and being the idiot i am, i thought it would be a good idea to try and catch the glass. Chalk that one up near the top of "The dumbest things Pam's ever done." I got cut, the glass took a big chunk outta my palm. Ouch eh? finished work and went home, and waited for Andy's call. and waited...and waited... and waited...
wednesday - slept in. oh so glorious. then i just bummed around till after dinner when Andy came over. He called at like 5, and i was still kinda cheesed that he didnt call. Just from the way i said Hi he knew somethings wrong. He can ALWAYS tell when somethings wrong eith me. He's like, "rough day?" and im like, yea, and rough night. lol, anywho. so he came over, and we played some mario three. then we went and got a movie. Came home and watched Dawn of the Dead in the basement. lol, pretty good zombie movie. then there was passion galore (wink wink). As he was leaving i felt sad, cuz the whole university thing. its coming up, and im afraid we wont have time too see him anymore. :( I asked himn if i was going too loose him over uni, and he said no. I also asked him if i was gonna loose him to some pretty chick he meets, and he head butted me in the forehead!! lol, oh man. so ill taake that as a no. im just worried about loosing him. he gave me a bunch of kisses before he left and told me not to worry, and that he loves me. i hope i dont loose him....
thursday - today. when andy left at 1am today, i went and updated the livejournal. yep, got both. then i thought "hey i should take off al the bandages and let my wound get some air". except i realized pauinfully that in one day, my wound had healed itself to the bandages!! Which leads me to now...soaking my hand in a bowl of water, and typing this one handed. thank god it my left hand that got hurt. My fingers are all wrinkly and look like prunes. Mareks trying to help me get this stupid bandage off over msn, lol, but im getting nowhere. And i gotta workk in less then two hours from now. AHHHH!! someone kill me. lol
so the week will be interesting. Tonight i might be getting my new lap top. score, Then tomorrow is andys. On saturday Andys hanging out with Veronica one last time before she moves to toronto. just the two of em (only, this time i told him i wanted him to hang out with her. it would be mean of me to say anything else. Andys sisters think im gonna get mad at him. But i told him after 7 months, i trust him. he said thats good, cuz if i didnt hed beat me. wonderful.) So saturday im off to the spike at night with the IGA croonbies, and it shall be entertaining. My first Spike Night!! yea. Then sunday is my "day out on the town" as andy called it. Andy, Jeff, Alena and I are going to raid my coupon books and go like, paintballing or go karts, or mini golf or all of em (!!) during the day. Then im just going over to andys at night. yay :)
oh, and chech out this amazing picture!! hahaha, were all so drunk. I love how the picture was titled "Schilling, Michalchuk and Weiss date" lol, im now known as Weiss's Date! yes... lol, i dont know WHAT Schilling is doing, steve looks like hes trying to seduce the camera, and i appear to be singing... lol, i love it!!

luv ya ♥