Listening to: green day
Feeling: happy
around 2, rachael came and picked me up. we hung out with adam and justin. they were fun until they decided to start being dicks, WHATEVER. so i called marilyn and we all hung out. then marilyn had to go home so me and rach went up the street to pick up both jessica's. and we all hung out. :] yay, fun. i didn't get to spend that much time iwth them because i had to go home like a half hour later, but it was still fun.
i honestly don't know what we were doing. and my hair looks REALLY fucking weird there...
and tonight, i'm in a good mood :]

And, in all attempts to avoid sounding like a pretentious prick, it was a similie, as it contained the word "like" or "as".
Cool pic.
but i also have mild insomnia
My sister had them but she BOUGHT THEM (for her own spirit week a while ago) okay perv?