hooray for 3 day weekends!< 3
no school monday &
half day thursday.
this week is going to go by pretty fast, yesssssss♥
so friday, after school i stayed the night at Melanie & Marissa's house.
SATURDAY we went to Santa Barbara< 3 beautiful place. i love it there. We all went shopping for homecoming dresses.
I found mine. I love it.
homecoming should be awesome, it will be..
me & travis
marissa & mike.
and...well, maybe it won't be a bunch of people...but i just need marissa there, she is so much fun to be with.
melanie is going to homecoming in OXNARD, with jose. it's going to be an egyptian theme there while we get an ocean theme. pretty cool...

AHAHHA. Marissa & I think we should pull those out in oceanography.
My dress was only like, 60 dollars- which is of coarse really good. Their mom wouldn't let them get a dress for that much because it was EXPENSIVE? she doesn't know anything obvisouly. She wanted to buy them something for like,
forty bucks..which is REALLY hard to find a homecoming dress for only that much, jeez. parents these dayyys. but they are going back THURSDAY, so hopefully they will get the dresses they wanted.
After getting our dresses we went to the pier and just walked on the beach, yay< 3
when we got onto the pier, we looked off onto the sand and there was a bunch of drawings in the sand...like, birds, twin towers, angels, torches, really patriotic stuff. it was awesome.
they were lovely pictures♥
and made by three homeless guys? we payed them 4 something. but yay it was prettttyyyy. & really cool. until some little 5 year old boy comes and starts jumping on it, and ruining it. ugh, how fucking rude. and to think that his mom didn't do anything about it. me and marissa were running down the pier saying we were going to beat him up, hahaha. he was like
" not if i ruuuunn!
" what a little faggot. and then i guess his mom was telling him that they were going to miss their trolly, and he started running away saying stuff like "oh shit!" hahaha. we all of coarse, started laughing and he continued cussing at us.
:[ POTTY MOUTH, BRAT. he called us fat fucks, and stupid fucks...and bitches. talk about some kid needing a spankinngggg.
after alllllll that, we went back to their house, and fell asleep around 1:30.
the next morning we had to wake up at like, 8:00 for church, ayye. :[ no sleeeepp = elisha
it ended about an hour later, or whatever- and we went to the car to wait and leave. kathy and richard took forever to get back to the car, so marissa thought it would be funny if she drove and honked at them. it didn't turn out to well, the tires made really big skid marks ? something like that. and something about an emergency brake. hahahah. < 3 goooodness, then after that we got back to their house, watched napolean dynamite, ATTEMPTED to get music onto marissa's ipod, and fell asleep around 2:00. my mom picked me up at 4:30.
THEN....i hung out with travis and mike arouuund, 7 or 8. yay< 3
i haven't seen travis in like..3 dayssss! so that was fun.
oh jeez, halloween is coming up.
me and marissa are going to be FRENCH MAIDS< 3
cute. Melanie is going to be a ladybug!
i'm soooooo exciiiteeedd!!
i guess this is all i'll write for tonight. i'm sleepy.
Cause methinks you are too old for trick-or-treating, are you not?
yaaahhh thats right
we needa hangout soon you looser face.
update fagmo
I told Caleb that he killed Edwardo. Caleb was confused.
he doesn't usually kill people.
So maybe Edwardo is still alive.
But what's more important, Edwardo? or the world? or my books, java, and fancy clothes?
and yes we do have good taste :)
cute pictures.
i want those sunglasses.
i hate kids these days.
just rubbing it in, but im very bored.
stupid wednesdays.
davy turned twentyone last saturday. thats all i know. and me and my friend are bringing him a jones when we go to another show.♥
thats abotu all i know. im tired though.
how're you
I do miss you.
Hopefully, I should be on all night on friday, and saterday, and with the time difference and everythin, we should be able to talk sometime through them 2 days
those dresses in your entry.. the tanish one i think i have the SAME one in teal. and i tried on the one wiht the different shades of blue but it was a little different. my homecoming was last weekend. :)
Haha I thought that was really funny considering how happy I was that it was finally over. So I told him to give me at least 2 days. I mean jesus I thought this "break" would last at least 2 weeks. lol But when he told me that he had made me a list...I wanted him all over again. lol Oooh I am so excited for your homecoming! We had ours 2 weekends ago, it was fun. Well I guess I will see how these next 2 days unfold...
sigh. heh. oh well.
and yay for finding a homecoming dress <3
this is my new journal.
♥i miss you♥
aaahh...three day weekends...we get one next week (labour day...YESSSS!)
heh. love those sunglasses in your photo.
five year old who call people "fat fucks"...badd. bad bad mouth. for a five year old. smack him hard!! RAH!