i am an idiot, i really am just going to end this thing right now. i dont want to hurt him at all, i just made a mistake. i was walking with him and i thought he was steven. like i was saying to myself "omg i am back together with steven." i dont like hurting people at all. but if i stay with him and pretend to like him then its just going to hurt him even more. my heart just isnt with him. and i cant help that. i am sorry. i dont want to give anybody any pain. grrrr tommorow is going to be horrible. and if we dont have school tommorow then it just might be even more horrible. but i cant do this to him, he doesnt deserve it.
but you dont need to die, i exzempted you, lol(its in my entry).
you seem kinda confused and...blah.
thats not cool :( dont be blah! be happy!
and hey, valentines day is monday...u never know whats gonna happen, right?