Well, its Wednesday and that means, "work, work, work."
My grandfather will pick me around 9:30 this morning and i`ll watch home videos until 4pm. I get paid today, thats sweet.
I`ll be arriving home a little later then five because i have to go down to ms.reeser to care for her animals, all seven of them.
Around 6 then, i`ll be leaving to work once again, this time at my dad's office. (more sweeet money!) hehe
i was looking through some pictures... man, i do miss my long hair!! =p
These pictures are at my cousin, Nicole's house that they just built!

click to enlarge
So anyways, last night i had yoga. it was amazing, as usual. Then i got home around 8, 8:30-ish and got online. My girls are home (liz and hedge!) woot woot, they were camping. I`m bummed i cant hang out with them today. Hopefully tomorrow!
Then later, kyle (ruby) calls me...he's only the c0olest guy ever, and we talked for a while about tons of different things. He's going to be my math tutor, swweeeeeet! I even missed another phone call because well hes a red sox fan. haha just kidding, dont ask.
I feel bad that i did miss Chris's call but hopefully he`ll call me back today!! He left a voicemail and said he would for sure. =)
So when it got late we (kyle and i) hung up and then i got some water and went to bed.
i have to go, but i just found a picture i really like of my mother and meee!
I look fat in it.. haha oh welllllll!

xoxo, michelle
even though i have to work alllll day,
i am in such a great mood...!!