GOOD MORNING! well, i suppose it *technically* is the afternoon (1:21). I havent posted in a while. (i take that back, i have added boring survys and pointless quizes.. but i dont count those.)
It's the second offical day of my summer vaca and its been wonderful. Today is Friday, the 17th and the weather is absolutely marvolous. We have party cloudly skies here in Central Penn with a few gusty winds.. but may i add when the sun it out.. and the warm wind blows... AMAZING.
anyways, enough of being the weather girl.
Danielle slept over the grandparents last night and although i was invited i kindly declined because i had yoga that i did not want to miss. (Yet i must say... when i got there i was so tired and didnt really want a workout...) Yes, the type of yoga i practice is, most definitely, a workout. I`ll add pictures of my Favorite poses and ones i am working toward after I write a few more lines.
Tonight is Kate, Nikki, and Ellen's party. I bet they are so excited. I know i am looking forward to it. I dont really want to go home afterwards.. so i will probably plan a sleepover with someone... we`ll see. hopefully hedges comes.. then i know it`d be fnu. I love that girl. we always have tons of laughs.
well, here are those pictures i was talking about.. check out the website

MY type of Yoga...
Ashtanga or astanga yoga as taught by K. Pattabhi Jois is becoming more popular, as are other types of yoga. Expect the teacher to move the students through a sequence of poses which are followed in daily practice, with the same series until it is mastered to some degree. Then the student moves on to practice another series of poses which are more difficult. The series of poses (asanas) is called a vinyasa. A vinyasa involves weaving in a combination of standing, seated, backbends, inversions, balancing, and twisting poses into sun salutation poses which include a standing forward bend, upward dog, downward dog, and other poses. There is a focus on breath and focal point of the eyes as one does a specific prescribed series of poses, moving one to another. Sometimes a room is heated as one does ashtanga, which causes the muscles to be very flexible.
"After ashtanga I feel strong and because of the breath-posture link, the class has a quicker flow."

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