These are some post-party pics. Actual pictures taken during the party of myself and friends will be scanned and posted later once I get them developed.

Spiffy decided to be Devi D. for Halloween this year.

A playful wink from Spiffy, of course. See the purple hair? Yeah, it’s purple. It didn’t so much bother me to spray on all that purple color – it was the fifteen minutes it took me to actually get my hair up into pig tails … ugh.

Only ONE person knew who I was tonight. ONE. Not counting Darren, of course. And it wasn’t even someone I knew. It was some random dude at the Bugaloo Bash – which was so crowded, I just had to get out of there after Flat Stanley’s second set. Sorry, guys. It was just too much.
Kevin thought I was Delirium at first – I was impressed that he remembered what I used to dress up as. Damn, I miss hanging out with him. He was fun. He was also dressed as Edward Scissorhands tonight – and I got a picture of that along with Darren and Troy dressed up as Jay and Silent Bob – but those pictures will be coming in a later entry.

Spiffy looks like a Devi caught in headlights.

Someday my undead prince will come … and eat the Chinese waiter’s brains.
Braaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnssssssss ….

Spiffy goes Vulcan for Roman … oh yes. BE HAPPY!

Shh! Don’t tell anyone …

And Spiffy is exhausted. I went to work for 6 hours, immediately followed by a performance by the Players that was THE most horribly painful theatre experience I’d EVER had …
EVER (sorry Kev) – and then went to two parties – and now, here I sit, exhausted, eating a chocolate cupcake, because Kroger’s cupcakes are so much better than Wal-Mart's …
Hm … should I bother washing my hair before bed? Or just sleep with a towel on my pillow and no shirt?
… yeah, I think I’ll do that last one …
Don’t forget to set your clocks back …
The bars around here close at 2:00 AM ... but Daylight Savings Time STARTS at 2:00 AM, meaning that when the bars are supposed to close, they're able to stay open for an extra hour, thereby beating the system!
See now? They know what they're doing.