Listening to: The End of the World - flash movie
Feeling: chipper
Onedeath continues to be persistant.
Ho-kay. Update.
Not really much to update about. I had a good day. Went to Hobby Lobby with some friends and went a little overboard on the oragami and gemstone purchasing. Damn you, Hobby Lobby. Damn you to Hell.
Got promoted at the station kinda. Which is good. More hours, better pay. Good good. What's not good is that Larry hasn't been showing up for work, so he kind of got fired ... but he was going through a divorce, however ... he could have called the station and they could have found a replacement for him on those days. Oh well, I'm a little upset about that. I liked Larry. And Randy doesn't work there anymore - nope, he quit to be a co-owner of Club Crossfade where he was already a DJ. Eh. Que cera, cera, right?
I worry about Larry, though. I hope he'll be okay. I mean, it's not like him being a part-timer and getting minimum wage is really earning that much to begin with. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise for him - maybe he'll find a better job.
Tian Pian joined Singers! I'm psyched about this. I love the girl. She's from China. She rocks my socks.
I missed the Parnassus Society meeting tonight. Forgot all about it. I feel bad; it was supposed to have been my first meeting ... and I didn't go.
S.A.F.E. (Students Allied for Equality) is going to make a banner and march in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day morning march thing on Frederica Street Monday morning. Ah ... I don't know if I'll be able to go to that one - depends on whether or not they need me at the station - since I have that morning off.
Religions of the World class? I fucking LOVE it!!! I positively ADORE Dr. Noll - he's too fucking cool for words. Just like Professor Kolok and Art for Elementary Teachers class. I learned that I REALLY like the medium of wet media ink and twigs ... yes, twigs. The kind that you break off of trees. I use them as quills. It's too fucking cool! You should see the flowers we made in class today. I'm actually an ARTIST! Hallelujah.
I forgot to practice for voice lessons tomorrow. Oops. I'm in trouble. Maybe I can get an hour in before Teaching Social Studies class. I can hide away in the chapel and practice ... I don't think anyone's in the Chapel at 9 AM on Fridays.
Let's see ... what else is going on in my life?
Hmm ...
Trying to memorize "The End of the World" for my next audition. It's hilarious, and it really does play with accents and expressions - and you have to jump from one character to another and ... yeah! I can't wait. You can find it, it's a flash cartoon. Just look under the "flash files" thing at and have some fun. They've got some good shit there. I particularly like the Japanese ping pong.
Ho-kay. So. Here's the earth. Just chillin. "Damn, that is a sweet Earth!" you might say. "Round-"
All right. Ruling out the polar ice caps melting, meteors be coming crashing into us, the ozone layer leaving, and the sun exploding - we're definitely going to blow ourselves up.
So basically, we've got China, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia, the UK and us.
With Nukes.
We've got about twenty-six hundred more than anybody else. Whatever.
One day, we decide that those Chinese sons of a bitches are going down. So we launch a nuke at China.
While it's on it's way, China's like "SHIT!!! SHIT!!! Who the fuck is shooting us?!"
"Oh well! Fire missiles!"
And France is like "Shit, guys! Because zee missiles are coming! Fire our shit!"
"But I'm Le Tired."
"Well ... have a nap, THEN FIRE ZEE MISSILES!!!"
Meanwhile, Australia is down there like "WTF^^, mates?"
India, Israel and Pakistan launch their shit. So now we've got missiles flying everywhere, passing each other.
Russia's like "AAAAHHHHHHH!!! MOTHERLAND!!!"
Then England's like "'Bout that time, eh chaps?"
So now the U.S. is like "Fuck, we're dumbasses." Canada's like "What's going on, eh?" Australia's still like "WTF^^?"
Mars is laughing at us.
Some huge meteor is like "well, fuck that."
Now we've got nuclear winter.
Everyone's dead, except Australia. And they're still like "WTF?"
But they'll be dead soon.
... fucking kangaroos.
But, assuming we don't blow ourselves up, us Californians just have to worry about California breaking off from the United States.
To go hang with Hawaii.
Alaska can come, too.
Ahh ... bliss.
Goodnight, folks. I'm off to do more origami.

so an artist eh? need a nude model by chance? $7.50 an i'm yours.
well keep up the upating woot!
I'm a little late reading this. :)