Listening to: Village of the Damned
Feeling: dead
(thats not really the name I had before.. The thing signed me out and then I forgot what I had it named, lol)
Dont you ever just want to say "fuck everything" and just end it?
I rarely ever think about doing that... Even when things arent even that hard or whatever, I just feel like doing.. quitting.. Even though, I know I cant...
Its just like... I am able to throw it all away, and not have to.. deal with... life anymore... But that would be stupid 'cause, hi! Life isnt that bad... At all..
And I'm not fucking depressed, I'm very happy right now.... ish.... kinda... But yea..
Dont ask what brought this on.. It just came to mind..
I guess I'm just tired of acting happy, so people will shut the fuck up and saying "whats wrong?" lol... But nothing's wrong... I promise..
I hate being lonely all the time. I hate being home.. That's why I like working... Well its not the only reason.. *cough* but.. I hate not having someone to hold, and be with everyday... I mean everyday.. But blah... I dont know.. But.. I dont even have to hold a person... I just want someone I can talk to, and hang out with everyday...
But thats not happening anytime soon, so I'll just have to deal, eh?
But, wouldnt it be awesome to be five again? And not have to worry about all this crap we have to deal with everyday?
I think it would.. But... Thats life huh...
I like complaining... Dont you? Its ever so fun..
Like the fact that _____ annoys me, lol.. And the fact that they do bugs me 'cause its hard to do anything about it.... yeaaaa... lol Anyway, I've said enough.. I have more crap to say but I cant put it into words, so here I'll stop
Hope this helps :p
~two words one choice no regrets~

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