Buying a stupid bed. But its not. And I dont want a bed. I want a futon. People cant seem to get that through their heads. Whats the point of buying a twin bed (its the only one that will fit in a room with two people.. small room mind you) when, I move out next year, I'll want a bigger bed. So its a waste of money to buy a twin bed then buy a bigger one next year.. But see, no bed. Futon. Then. When I move in with Derrick, I could just use his :P ... But seriously though.. lol ...not that it WILL be next year.. I dont know.. but... Just sayin.. =p
Anyway.. I still hate people.. Highly annoying and make me very mad..
That stupid winter formal.. Whats up with that anyway? Its JUST a dance. Everybody goes all out for it like its the stupid prom or something. Why bother? Its a conspiracy. Between these companies (limos, dresses, tuxes/suits) and the scools, just so you will pay money for worthless crap that costs far too much. Why would you waste money on a limo for a DANCE? I wouldnt even do that for my wedding.. I hear people do that.. *shakes head* .... people...
My cat had to go to the vet. ;____; Kitty.. But they said she's 'okay' ... But if she's not any better tomorrow she has to go back for tests ;___; And my MOM!! LEFT her at the vet! I know what doctors are like, my cat probly hates them just as much, if not more (shocking huh? =p)And I would hate to be left alone at a hospital (to animals a vet is a hospital/doctor =p), so I wouldnt leave my cat there ;__; I shoulda went with 'em.. but I was in bed... grr.. It was 11:30 too! can you believe that?! ME. in bed. At 11:30! ..


awww Surge love :)

I think I stole that from somebody... Its cool though ^^
~two words one choice no regrets~