Was I passed member of Lamda Lamda Lamda? Well here it is! Proof that I might have! The ultimate 80's quiz! 100 questions of pure 80's! Yeah so I was bored..... Anyways I got all but one question right. And it was something about the "Girls Just Want to Have Fun". Yeah I had no clue. About 10 of the questions I guessed on though. So yeah........... I expect to see this quiz on everyone's journal, diary, blog or whatever you have! Got that! Yeah! Test your useless info about the 80's against mine! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ::Cough:: Oooooooook. So life's ok I guess. Me and Kelly have been together almost 1 year now so YAY for us! ::Big smile:: I love you Kelly!!!!!! And just because I love you doesn't mean you can get out of the 80's quiz. Hehe. But yeah. That's about it. So good night!!!!!! An when I posted this on my Livejournal, I noticed it said perfect score. But it's not! I missed one question damn it!!!!!!!!! And I was only able to do a Rubik's Cube once. Though there was a guy I saw at the opening of the last Harry Potter movie that did it in a little under 2 minutes. Now that guy is someone everyone should show respect to.
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