It was my birthday Thursday. Got a PS2 and a headset for my cell phone. (Which was really needed) Other than that it was also the last day of EMT school. Kinda. I go back on the 10th to get more practice in before the practicals on the 14th. I really get the feeling I'm gonna fail... But I will try my hardest not to though. If I pass that then I can take the written test. That's gonna suck even more probably. But yeah. anyways I'm listening to Kelly complain right now about her work. Its kind of amusing. Hehehehe. And now a short quiz with the last question just leaving me with thoughts as to why they used those characters.... Good pictures too! Well... Some of them anyways.

Your wise quote is: "Love is life. And if you
miss love, you miss life" by Leo
Yes, love is indeed what you desire in your
life. If you have it or not is another matter,
but it is in your eyes the most important
feeling. You tend to be a romantic dreamer and
want you and your love to have that kind of
perfect love that you hear about in fairytales.
However that can be hard to find, but it
doesn't mean you are going to stop looking.
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla