Well I was on the computer a lot today ....... But I was keep going away..... so.... Well I played catch with my brother and hitting...... Guess what guys I actually hit the ball did beter on my right side than my left...... and I am left handed....... I felt soo ambidextous....... I was happy I actually hit the ball and my brother was throwing them pretty hard.....
Then we stopped because Smudge the Dog came over. So we stopped to chase the dog and bring him back to his loving neighbors.... Well I was suppose to bring him back but the rope thingy that mommy put on his collar him well I was pulling on it trying to even it out well it turned out it wasnt soo the dog got loose again but then it went our field and we couldnt find him... The neighbor came up to find him.... it didn't work..... Then Andrew and I went back to play then the dog came back because he heard us....... Then we got him and my mom was starting to go back and our neighbor just about to go out and find him in the nice vehicle ( I dont know what kind it is..... I know it is really big and you have a lot of room ;))
Then we came inside well I was watching andrew play Ps2 and he was trying to explain how to play this one game and I sort of got the hand of it.... We didn;t end playing I ended up watching the end of the Sweetest Thing.... Then I was about to vome back on but I had to call my dad for Father's Day I don't know why considering the fact I haven't talked to him since May 17 on my half brothers birthday..... I still did though just to be a nice daughter but it turned out the phone numbers were disconnected so we couldnt get through..... After that I went on the computer.... Updated this the third time today..... I'm really bored.......
Well leave me some lovely comments
Love you all
♥ Chelle ♥