I was looking through my Chicken Soup book to find some quotes well I found something that might be helpful....
1. They always smell good, even if it's just shampoo
2. The way their heads always find the right spot on your shoulder
3. The ease with which they fit into your arms
4. The way they kiss you all of suddne everything is right in the world
5. How cute they are when they eat
6. The way they take hours to dress, but in the end it's worthwhile
7. Because they are always warm, even when it's minus 30 degrees outside
8. The way they look good no matter what they wear
9. The way they fish for compliments
10. How cute they are when they argue
11. The way their hands always find yours
12. The way they smile
13. The way you feel when you see their names on the caller ID after you just has a big fight
14. The way they say Let's not fight anymore," even though you know an hour later...
15. The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
16. The way they kiss you when you say "I love you"
17. Actually, just the way they kiss you...
18. The way they fall into your arms when they cry
19. Then the way they apologize for crying over something silly
20. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
21. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt (even though we dont admit it)
22. The way they, "I miss you"
23. The wat you miss them
24. The way their tears make you want to change the world do that it doesn't hurt anymore
It was sent by an e-mail
I also found something about I Wish I Knew This Sooner
The () are my comments
1. Don't drink grape juice while wearing a white shirt and driving to school
( I wouldn't be drinking grape juice in the first place yuck!)
2. Don't let your life wait for other people
( Don;t do that they will catch up sooner or later)
3. Dropping a cellular phone in the bathtub of water kinda kills the phone
( I done that before except it was a portabole phone in the pool.... Sorry Jen!)
4. Your mother will find out if you dye your hair purple (DUH!!!!)
5.You haven't really lived until you've gotten a 48 on an Advanced Placement U.S. Histort Test
( I never even got that low)
6. Don't fall in love with someone who is more than 1000 miles away from you. It usually doesn't
( It is hard to ignore on how you feel but they're always other fish in the sea and if he or she comes back it might work out)
7. Milk crates make boring pets
(I'm not going to even ask)
8. It hurts, DON'T DO IT AGAIN!!
( No really !!)
9. That which does not kill ultimately make you stronger.
10. Speaking in oublic gets easier with practice
(I believe that)
11. Don't sprint around a pool if you're trying to impersonate Jim and Huck Finn
12. Ten years from now most of what we freak out about won't make any difference
( Yeah you don't have to deal with teen pressure but other kinds of pressure)
13. All that's gold doesn't glisten
14. Zits always pop up when you really can't afford for them to pop up
( It's a pain)
15. Always stay after class because that's where connections made
( What connections)
16. While driving a car through a gate, always, ALWAYS make sure the gate is open! The consequences might be fatal to your car
( Thats funny)
17. If you are not living ( I mean really living), you're dead already
18. Never pierce your belly button in the dark
19. Just because someone flirts with you constantly doesn't mean they like you.
( I betcha that sucks)
20. If your calculus teacher tells you to quit talking after a test or he'll give you a zero for yuor test grade, he means it. Really!
21. Sometimes smart people can do very very stupid things
(Thats very very true.....JEN AND RAY)
22. Being nice to people will get you far
(I'm always nice to people unless they are being mean to me)
23. The one person you can truly love is often right in front of you
(I guess that can be true)
24. Never, ever, EVER let a member of the opposite sex make you compromise your standards. NEVER.
( I totally agree then he will start controlling you)
25. Nothing to good to be true ( said by Michael Faraday)
( Believe everything that has happen to you even though it can be bad but it can have very very good consequences)
26. If you start to like a girl, her roomate will immediately start liking you
( Wanting what you can't have)
27. Parents aren't around forever, and you need to treasure them while they are.
( I will always treasur emy moments with my mom)
28. Don't take the SATs twice if you already have a good score in the first place
(I only took them once and I still don't know my score... I'm scared)
29. Nothing do something if the risk is greater than the reward
( Shouldn't you live life to the fullest??)
30. Think before you act.
( Work on instinct)
31. Dreaming and doing go hand in hand
( Dreaming is great)
32. Life moves fast, but not so fast that you can't slow down to enjoy it
( Enjoy every aspect in your life)
33. Instead of waiting for life to get better, do something about it
( That is very true it won't get better unless you do something)
34. You REALLY should do what needs to be done NOW and not later. Procastination is the easiest way but, not the most profitable.
(That is not nessarily true)
35. If your intuition is telling not to do something, then don't. Your intuition is not STUPID!
( No one is stupid if anyone tells you differently they are stupid for calling you stupid)
36. Ceral is a vital staple food for all college students. Who cares how ridiculous you look eating it at 7:30 P.M?
( WOW!!)
37. Learn to play the guitar: young woman really dig it..
( I love getting played to)
38. If at first you dont succeed, try again. Then give up. No sese being ridiculous about it
( I don't agree with this you should always fight and determind to get what you and or you will never go anywhere in life soo keep on trying they will be admired by the persistance and you will ambitious on what you got)
40. If he doesn't respect you, then he isn't worth the time
( Never ever be with someone who doesn't respect you will be unhappy)
41. Don't juggle knives unless you are really really good at it...
( I'll stuck with the balls ;)
42. Sticking things up your nose isn't the smartest idea in the world.
( But it's fun)
43. You can't light fireworks in the basement and not get caught
( Hey dude keep it outside!)
44. Hair is flammable. Very flammable.
( Yes and it smells when it get caught on fire)
45. Never ever trust your friend with a pair of scissors against your hair...
( I only let my friend play with my hair and I make sure she doesn't have scissors... besides she doesn't have the guts to cut my hair)
46. Dyeing your hair strawberry blond that is already stawberry blond makes it turn strawberry pink...
( Now it sounds yummy)
47. White dogs and black pants don't mix
( No really..... I don't have any animals it's sad)
48. God doesn't make junk!
( No one is better than anyone in the world because everyone is alive that is the best thing that can happen)
49. You will look back on this and you will think it is funny.
( That is always true... Stuff I thought that was mean or humilating now I think it is sooooo FUNNY)
50. You never know when you are making a memory.
( You are right for some reason you only remeber bits and pieces of stuff but no the whole thing and you wish you did remeber the whole thing)
51. The heart does heal and you will love like this again- except that when you do, you'll deny that you ever loved like this before......
( I'm guessing thats true but I was in love once but Right now I think is that I thought I was in love but I don't know.)
52. Nothing matters if yuo don't have loved ones to share it with. Your siblings are incredibly presious. If you don't know this now, you will- trust me!
( That is true no matter how irritating they are when they are gone you will miss them soooooooo much and miss the little things)
53. If you can laugh at yourself, you are going to be fine.
(It's fun to do that)
54. If you allow others to laugh with you, you'll be great
( It makes you feel special that other people noitce you)
55. Kissing is the most fun thing. Dancing is almost as fun.
♥ Chelle ♥