Listening to: YahooMusic
Feeling: bored
I really really need to get back into the habit of writing in here everyday. cause so much happens to me now..
Okay about two weeks ago, I met this guy online, Named Dominic. And I thought nothing of it cause I always meet guys online. and you know. nothing really happens and we just stop talking together.
But we started talking and I really really began to like him, and planned to meet him (he lives about an hour away from Interlachen)
So I stayed last weekend at his house. And Lets put it as, it got far.
But anywho, I have a boyfriend now.. A Good One!.. Not Blake.. who was mean..
I never told how blake was mean. but I guess I will now.
Okay so I showed him a picture of my brother jeremy and his boyfriend, tom, and He started laughing and making fun of how jeremy was over weight and tom was like Lanky and skinny, and it pissed me off how He thought it was disgusting and all that shit.. He lost alot of respect from me then. and finally after I started talking to dominic more and more.. I just broke up with him.
so yeah.. Dominic's the best.. I care about him so much. here's a picture.
He's perfect.. completely perfect..
I mean, There is NOTHING mean about him at all. and I Love it. Im going to see him again soon. Hopefully. His parents really like me which is good..
but yes, thats my new obsession. and I Actually, FUCKING HOPE TO THE BOTTOM OF MY LIFE. that this relationship lasts, and I can call him mine forever.
