Listening to: Li Da di (sexual)
Feeling: bored
Yeah yeah, I havent updated. AGAIN!.. grr.. I forgot to take my meds one weekend, and Im back on them. That fucking sucks. cause I need to take them EVERY damn morning...
I need to wash clothing.. I have NOTHING to wear, Im sitting here in a T, and White boxer briefs.. thats Not Cool..
Im bored as fuck.. god. I hate these meds.. -.-
I Missed the feeling of a razor..
so,Congratulations Eric, This is what you get, making me believe you cared. And Distroying my Old Razor....
This is Dedicated to Me Getting over that ass hole.. and Making me Used Once again for Just sex.
Prozac Thoughts: No Depression what so ever, No side effects. Luckily. Hmm... Ive been pretty keen.. I hate it.

2. Dont go cuttin urself up like that darlin, it aint worth it, and in the long run it causes u more shit than it really is worth. It might seem worth it now but its not....And I am not just saying that and acting liek i dont no what im talking about...bcoz I do now, nd I kno wat its like n its definetli not worth it....Take care sweety...Mwahz
I'm sorry if this freaks you out.
I saw your diary.
Though you probably wont like me what so ever. For what it's worth, I cut too. But yea. I hope I didn't freak you out too much. Either that or just annoy you.
:( your poor chest...
do you wanna talk?