Listening to: Not A Day Goes By-Merrilly We Roll Along
Feeling: torn
Sorry I haven't written in so long, I've either been too busy or lazy.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were all pretty uneventful I think.
Thursday was okay. School sucked. That night, I went to see "The Full Monty" with Giulia. It was HILARIOUS!
Friday, school sucked as usual, but it was a dress down day. Then, I had ballet. It was fine. After ballet, I met Cat at the mall, but she wasn't alone....a guy named Joe from "The Full Monty" national tour was with her because they had met the night before. I seriously almost died.
I couldn't believe that I was walking in the mall with someone from a national tour, and no one knew he was special except for us. Rock on!
After that, Cat had to take him to his hotel, but after that the two of us met up at Starbuck's. The register was broken so we got our stuff for free! It was so good to hang out with Cat again. I've missed her so freaking bad.
That night, I saw "The Full Monty" again, this time with Harry. It was fun! It was really weird knowing someone in the show though haha.
After the show, Cat called me and told me to go wait at the stage door and Joe would introduce me to my favorite character from the show(Vicki). I was so excited.
When I got back there, Joe wasn't out yet so I stood off to the side. Once he got out, he beckoned me over and introduced me to some of the cast. Then Kristen Stewart(Vicki) came out.
She was sooo nice. I asked her really random questions about life on the road and stuff, and got my picture with. She was really sweet.
Saturday, I had vocal rehearsal for "Children's Letters to God". it was only like 40 minutes. After that, I had voice with Dr.Paschal. It went okay. We picked out my Christmas recital song and my audition song for "Footloose".
Then, I came home and got ready. I met up with Niki, Sam, Sarah, Kat, Meg, Shaun, Palmer, Jordon, Will, Niki, and Kelley at D's. We flirted with our really hot waiter and ended up leaving our numbers haha.
After that, we went to the Putt Putt place. Some crap happened. Then, we rode the go carts, played laser tag, etc. Some people had more fun than others.
Then, we went to Coldstone. Then, Kat's house.
At Kat's house, we hung out and just talked. Kat, Kelley, and I stayed up until 5:30 being losers. haha.
Now, I'm just chilling out. Later, I'm going to see "West Side Story" at Dreher with Kelley. Well, bye! Oh here's the picture of me and Kristen Stewart from "The Full Monty" tour:

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