What a cool mood, huh? I totally have no clue what it means, but it rocks so much, so I had to use it.
So, today was lame, sorta. I slept till forever. Then woke up and did 30 mins of summer reading because I'm such a good little student. Then, I sat around and did nothing.
Then, I drove and picked up one of the orphans(Katie) and we headed over to Workshop. It was good to see everyone since it had been a whole 48 hours and all. Haha. Cat was there with Giulia, so yay. And me and Megan(annie) talked a lot and bonded. She's a pretty cool girl, it was the first time we've really like talk talked.
The orphans really like me which rocks my socks. Lainey calls me mother, and one of the other girls(rachel) was like 'Can't you be my mother, too?' and I was like 'of course, duh!'. haha. I have a lot of fun with them.
So, then I got ready for my one little scene. I was nervous because Cindy was there tonight, but I did okay. After I sort of messed up on the t of o-x-y-d-e-n-t, I was shaking. Like my hand was spasming and I was trying to control it because mentally I wasn't nervous or anything, but I literally couldn't make myself stand still. It was okay though. The audience liked us.
Cindy said I did a good job and she's going to put me in the curtain call so I get to bow. Yay. After the show, we stayed around a bit because they had a little party. Then, Cat, Giulia, and I went to Giulia's place to get shoes. Then, we went to Flying Saucer. It was my first time there, and it's actually a pretty cool place.
We met up with Shunan who is really awesome, and he's going to CARNEGIE F-ing MELLON which is like my top school, so of course I found him to be like a celebrity practically haha. We also met up with a few of Giulia's friends(Zoey, Madeline, and Chelsea..I think that's right).
So, what am I pissed about? my mother. Everytime I come home from being out she's like, 'you're acting weird, you must be drunk' even though I'm not! and she sniffs my breath to check if I've been drinking and smoking and that really annoys me because I'm not a bad kid and I think I deserve some trust and respect. Like, you have no idea how furious I really am with her...just extremely. ARRGH!
Anyway, what am I doing tomorrow? nothing until voice at 3:30 then Giulia is coming over to spend the night, but I don't think she's coming until like nightime, so my whole day is going to be extremely lame. I really like hanging out with Cat and Giulia. I know it's most likely temporary, something that won't happen much after 'Annie' simply because I won't see either of them much. Maybe I'm wrong...I hope I'm wrong because their both really awesome.
I'll leave you with some really exciting pictures I took of the orphans/female ensemble dressing room today:

The dress on the far right is MY costume! yay!