So I am writing in here.
Today was soooooooo fun!
Kristen and I went taboganing.. (sp?).. by our school. We made this huge ass jump and got so much air going over it! (we used a crazy carpet and a piece of left over wall from the bathroom) Kristen kept hitting the wall cause she doesnt know how to slow down. Hehe we saw these guys with their snowboards park in the parkinglot and get out and walk to the front of the school... So me and Kristen decided to go bug Irma and see if she would come and record us going over the jump (and give us her crazy carpet cause the wall wasnt working well):p But Noooooo she wasnt home! So we were all walking around in our awesome snowboard gear.. haha it was funny. Then we came home and dried off and whatnot. Cause those damn guys took our jump! We went on the computer and took some pics.. and we were talking to Garte and Taylor on msn with the webcam.. lots of fun.. ah how I love my webcam!
Anyway here are some pics.

Kristen and I advertising our awesome Co-op brand "Gold" Coca Cola!

Me and Kristen being wierd! Hahaha.

Me with my stuff on.. not my hoodie though.. which is now soaked, might i add.

me just taking pictures of myself and looking at them later and realising how gangster this is!