Listening to: This is How it goes-billy talent
Feeling: paranoid
Uhmm Yes.
Everything is okie dokie with Irma. Yay.
We're all hanging out tomorrow. Woot,
I can't wait to see Kieran. Heheheeeeeeeeeeee. Grr something is pissing me off about tomorrow though, people know, so don't bother asking. I know I know, I shouldn't have mentioned it then. But, I did! So HAH!
My Jaw hurts like HELL! I feel like I'm going to die. And about an hour ago I felt like i was bleeding in my mouth but I wasnt.. Maybe internal bleeding on the cheek haha. No I don't think so :P I just like to scare myself.
Wow, this is Entry 56. Holy, didn't think my life was that interesting.. oh wait, its not.
But lookie! I have friends on my friends List :) Angela, Kristen, Jen, Josh and Shelby. Mwahaha I can convince people to do so much. Hah :P
Angela just left a few minutes ago, she's always here after school. But this time she didnt have to pick up morgan. I just walked off with her discman so I could copy the cd so she ended up staying :p Billy Talent Woot!
Geez I'm starving. I get pizza tonight, yay. Oh yea, reminds me, I owe angela a pizza.. not a whole one, but some of one. Maybe some other time, like if we are together on a friday night or something. *sigh* I have nothing to do tonight, done my homework and whatnot, guess I'll learn some songs or something.
In guitar class today, all the guys (luke, brad, rob etc.) all play like, metallica and stuff. But really, I personally like to learn songs with some guitar-ish talent... not saying i dont like metallica or anything. I shall learn some more Frank Zappa. OH! I LOVE my new shoelaces! hold on, ill take a pic of them.
See! :)
Anyway, I have nothing else to talk about, Later

Anyways cool page techno woman :)
How's loverboy Kieran?
awww that's sooo cute :)