4 hours at the mall...
Normally one would not complain of such but we went to 4 different shoe stores for my brother and spent at least 20 minutes in each because they would look at a pair and then think of whether or not it would match with some of his outfits. -Sigh- I went into JCpenny because my shoes were on sale there, they didn't have them and then after walking around even longer we went into this other store that had them and TA DA! In 5 minutes I had my shoes..I thought guys were the ones that were done easily and quickly. So after going all over the place and getting my Tale of the Body Thief book my mom asked me about my whole clothes situation and I got two pairs of pants in PacSun(that store is awesome! She wouldn't let me get any hoodies or shirts though because the two pants were 70 something together.) So if that wasn't enough we had to go to Circuit City for her digital camera, so after her looking through all of these cameras for 45 minutes the one camera she wanted was out so they had to order it and it ended up being 500 dollars!! So yesh, then we went to Steak and Shake, those milk shakes there are probably the best so I finished off John and Jordan's since they weren't going to. OoO! Wait I have to tell my clumsy moment of the day yesterday which is probably one of the 'best.' So here goes:
Nick and I went up to his school for this painting thing on ceramics/clay what ever the hell you want to call it so I painted a plate and put 'We wait for the oppurtune moment' on the outside part and ATTEMPTED a skull in the middle of it. Well anyway, Nick was doing this Go Eagles thing and he wouldn't finish it so I said I would do it for him and I grabbed the green bottle of paint and went to shake it but the lid wasn't on ALL the way so the paint got ALL over my shirt and pants and wristband and metal spiked band. OoO! And it got on my pink converses!! So I had to wipe it all off but they're all pretty now like my new black and pink high tops..
This was the BEST quiz I may have ever taken right here..

You are Captain Jack Sparrow. You're fun loving,
boisterous and a little full of yourself. You
tend to look out for your own interests-
although you have a compassionate side; you'll
only help others if it benefits you as well.
Rarely are you serious about anything. Like
many people, you're just trying to be free. You
also somehow manage to look masculine despite
the fact that you wear mascara and move like a
drag queen.
Which Johnny Depp are You? brought to you by Quizilla
The paint does wash out, right?
Dickies are awesome pants..
I dont think I could ever spend that much time in a mall where it wasnt entirely spent on me shopping for myself with my own money..
I guess he did have to like me still rather odd if you ask me tho..