Just because I need to get my mind off of the things it has been on..I saw this thing on another person's and I just thought it was pretty unusual so I'm doing it.
A - Act your age? - When I want to.
B - Born on what day of the week? Think anyone 'members that?
C - Chore you hate? - Vacumming
D - Dad's name? - John
E - Essential makeup item? - chapstick
F - Favorite actor? - Johnny Depp
G - Gold or silver? - Silver
H - Hometown? - Philadelphia
I - Instruments you play? - None although it would be wicked if I could play the drums or bass or something.
J - Job title? - Student that has made the stupid decisions.
K - Kids? - I hate 'em.
L - Living arrangements? - My mother and brothers.
M - Mom's name? - Susan
N - Name what you've eaten so far today: - Coke, Cherry coke, starburst, three forkfuls of stuffing and two fork fuls of string beans.[being sick isn't fun ye know?]
O - Overnight hospital stays? - Only when me was little and just born.
P - Prozac or Paxil? - PROZAC! Heh. I don't know.
Q - Quote you like? - "Why do we kill people who are killing people to show that killing people is wrong?"-Holly Near
R - Religious affiliation? - NONE [If any, atheist or how ever the hell you spell it.]
S - Siblings? - 2 younger brothers.
T - Time you wake up? - 7
U - Unique habit? - My leg bouncing up and down, chewing on things and being way too weird for those normal people.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? - Brussel Sprouts and Spinach and Asparagus. -cringes-
W - Worst habit? - Complaining, swearing, biting my nails when bored.
X - X-rays you've had? - Uh..my teeth like 2 years ago.
Y - Yummy food you make? That I make? Heh. NONE. Well I can make a cake because they tell you what to do on the box. Except you DON'T put the icing on until the cake is COOL.
Z - Zodiac Sign? Libra but those things are a bunch of bull shit and no one should believe in them.

You're cracking. You've lost it... plain and
simple... You've lost it... i'm sorry...
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