Listening to: Devendra Banhart - Rosa
Feeling: accomplished
Its over its seriously over, I took my last two finals today and I think I actually did pretty well. Although I barely studied, and if I had I would’ve done much better. Its over now though and I’m thrilled. James and I went to the pet store after he got done at the lab and bought more fish for the tank. There was this one really wild bug eyed black gold fish with an orange stomach that I really want to get. I just have to convince my dad to let my put the bowl in my room. That might be a challenge since we haven’t spoken in over a month. I’ll figure something out.
I start at Bike Line Monday which is surprising since I didn’t really think I’d get the job. I’m not even sure how much I want the job either… ah well I’m stuck now mid as well make the best of it. I’ve wanted to become more mechanically inclined for awhile so this we’ll help me achieve that.
I’ve got a few stories in my head that I want to work on this summer that I’m pretty excited about. The more I think about it the more perfect story writing feels. Its kind of the ideal career for someone as weird as I can be. Besides when I get old and crazy people will think its genius. Can you really ask for a better career?
I’m celebrating my finals days of school in a different way then I originally intended but I’m digging it. Completely unrelated, I have no desire to sleep right now or for a long while. I think it has something to do with summer break. Over the summer I always stay up ridiculously late, to make up for the early mornings of the school year I suppose. I went bike riding with my brother tonight it was kind of fantastic riding under the street lights and into the setting sun.

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