Listening to: Mustard Plug - Hit me Hit me
Feeling: pensive
Its been a weird wild ride these last couple days. First I get sick the day before my paper is due. Then my English teacher gives me a 78 on my term paper, and I nearly cried right then and there. So yeah hasn’t exactly been made of awesome. But, its looking up I’ve been in this odd kick of listening to Marilyn Manson and Ska… the first one I can’t account for because I loath him as a person but I’m really addicted to his music right now. The second well I love ska and I just found a couple of my old Mustard Plug cd’s and gave a really girly squeal. Dan came by yesterday and gave me the Zen of Zombie and yeah pretty much makes my day. Plus tonight is pay day so life is looking good, I just got to get through finals and then its beach time.

I got like half way through FELL. I'll hopefulyl finish it by tomorrow night.
i love that song, Coma White that is. the video's not too bad either.