Currently Reading:The Princess Diaries By Meg Cabot
ok so here's how it is...crap just sucks...everything kinda sucks right now except for chris just IMed me...
my burn still hurts hella bad and it makes me takes me forever to get to sleep because of it...and well i can't sleep with a shirt its just a sports bra...totally weird for me...i hate it! i hAtE iT! I HATE IT!! I HATE IT!!!!
summer school totally akey takes 45 minutes to read "The Masque of Red Death" by would take me 5 minutes! he reads a sentence then describes everything in it in excrustiating detail!!! then he reads that sentence again and keeps reading the paragraph then stops again and describes something else! I HATE IT!!!! JUST READ THE DAMN STORY!!!!
everything sucks so bad right now and i don't even understand why...
went to chinese food for lunch...feel kinda sick now...
~%RDH?$%1@#Q% $#7$%^ #$*%^*@# %@#%$ &%$^&$
that ^ is swearing...cuz i feel stupid/crappy/ugly/fat/everything else that sucks...i'm going to go be depressed now...
` ...its crying!!!!
...i miss him a lot and i never get to talk to him anymore...its been so long...ok so mabe i exaggerate mabe, well NO! it has been a long time!
mabe thats why i'm so sad...mabe i' m just lonely...yeah, actually i think thats it...i'm like the only one in a crowded room...i'm so sad...
I am the sonnet, never quickly thrilled; Not prone to overstated gushing praise Nor yet to seething rants and anger, filled With overstretched opinions to rephrase; But on the other hand, not fond of fools, And thus, not fond of people, on the whole; And holding to the sound and useful rules, Not those that seek unjustified control. I'm balanced, measured, sensible (at least, I think I am, and usually I'm right); And when more ostentatious types have ceased, I'm still around, and doing, still, alright. In short, I'm calm and rational and stable - Or, well, I am, as much as I am able. | What Poetry Form Are You?

I am
Strong and passionate, I tend to be misunderstood, sometimes even feared. I don't want to fight, I don't want to cause trouble, all I ask is a little love, and a little peace. If I don't get what I want, I get angry, and throw barrels and flaming oil at whatever's stopping me.
What Video Game Character Are You?