cant.You are nice and pritty in your own way
and you are a bit of a daydreamer.Have fun and
please rate my quiz.
Are you in love?
brought to you by Quizilla

Garage rock! I like you... I like you alot! You
and indie are on the same plane for me! You
bring rock'n'roll down to its dirty roots,
whether being minimalist like The White Stripes
or retro like The Strokes. You keep on doing
what you're doing! Oh...and did I mention I
like you alot?
What genre of rock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla stole this from jaclyn: 10 bands you've been listening a lot to lately 01 - Gavin Degraw (some of them like <---- arejust singers) 02 - Josh Kelley 03 - NO DOUBT 04 - Any thing on effect radio 05 - The Strokes 06 - The All-American Rejects 07 - Jet 08 - MXPX 09 - SUM 41 10 - Jason Mraz 9 things you look forward to 1 - Going Shopping Tomarrow 2 - school next monday (next time i see luke) 3 - next time i talk to luke 4 - anything i might do this vacation 5 - hopefully camping with morganna this summer 6 - i have to pee 7 - i think i drank too much liquids today 8 - man i really have to pee 9 - brb 8 things you like to wear 1 - my old navy Jeans with the bleach wiskers 2 - my pink and grey converses 3 - my black socks with silver stripes 4 - bobby pin 5 - 2 bras 6 - vegi tales watch 7 - flip-flops 8 - underware 7 things that annoy you 1 - little kids 2 - luke's feeling of inferiorty because i'm 17 and he wont be till october 3 - when my friend(s) get(s) drunk 4 - when my sister hates me 5 - luke doesn't like church (and probably isn't willing to try mine) 6 - when arguments are dragged on and on for hours 7 - people 6 things you say most days 1 - i wanna go away from here 2 - i want to go home 3 - i want to not be home/please take me away from here 4 - like 5 - good night 6 - why? 5 things you do everyday 1 - sing 2 - eat 3 - i have to pee still 4 - internet...tee hee! 5 - think aboot luke 4 people you want to spend more time with 1 - LUKE 2 - my friends 3 - myself 4 - tyson ritter from all american rejects 3 movies you could watch over and over again 1 - Wayne's World 2 - everafter 3 - never been kissed 2 of your favorite songs at the moment 1 - more than anyone-gavin degraw 2 - Bath water-NO DOUBT (which reminds me...i think i'll shower after this) 1 person you could spend the rest of your life with 1 - right at this moment LUKE...but i probably wont....
umm.. i forgot what i was gonna say.
ohyeah! yeh. everything is ok.
im tired as hell!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i cant wait to get my car!!