do you know why "1 hour" is so important to me right now?
its how much sleep i got..... this morning.
no not last night. this morning.
i didn't lay down for bed till 5:00.
but i am sick of it.
thats it for a while.
this is it.
i had fun taking syrup shots at Denny's at three in the morning, and i had fun doing 120 down the highway in the s2000 at four. and i had fun all night at Pat's talking to Keegan, Mike, Frey, Bergman, Pat, and Mobly. but its done. for a while.
i layed there on Pat's floor thinking about it this morning. i always think clearer when im tired as hell. and hyped up on coffee.
i just want to settle for a while. hell i just got out of school on monday, and i dont think ive been to bed before midnight once this week. i dunno. im gonna get it together and focus on whats really important to me.
like.... my piano. and guitar. my relationships with cresten and my mom. and my painting and drawing. i did a new pic last night over at pat's. in a way... oh never mind but here it is.
its a take off the dude i drew at Martinez's yesterday.
do you get it? i dont know what it means. i just drew it. i just kinda... picked up the pencil and drew it. it just came out like that.
i want cresten to come over.
i want to go to sleep.
i want to take a shower...
so much i want.
ok. well. yeah.
oh and.. i didnt smoke last night. no. i decided thats stupid.
my friends and i have the most fun when we arent drunk and they arent high.
im just sayin, that im glad i got friends who'd rather just chill and talk and make prank phone calls to crooked cops all night, than smoke a joint or drink a beer.
cresten.. thats why i go over there all the time. cuz theyre not always talking about drugs and alcohol and partying. we just... sit around and smoke cigarettes and talk about what we used to do in Jr. High and write lyrics to songs.. hell sometimes we get into politics and religion. its really healing.. to sit around till god knows when in the morning with your closest friends and just.. talk. about everything... nothing.. all at once. and not be tripping or stoned or drunk.
i guess... i dunno. have you ever been to that point to understand what i mean? i dont know if you have. but if you have, im sure youd understand.

Love... friends.... success.... a garanteed future. What more do you want? You should be thankful for what you have and stop being so down all the time.
(Look, Im not trying too be mean. Its just the obvious that you need to realize. Because you have a lot more going for you than any of us)
....just dont give up.