i didnt update yesterday. suprise!
well it was fun tho.
we had a half day right? so i was like ok im just gonna go home and sleep outside. but michael frey wanted to take me to target so i said HECK YES! but first we had to wait to give dan mitchell his "birthday present" lol. which was nine packs of cigaretts. anyways. dan didnt want us to meet him till 1:45, but we got out at 1:00 so we basically just drove around for forty five minutes. in which i got sunburnt on my neck and face. yay! i love convertibles. and we wasted like most of his tank of gas, but whatever.. were rich kids. it doesnt matter.
and so after droping off daniels cancer sticks, we went to target. THE BEST STORE EVUAH! and i got my England soccer jacket. and Cresten a Mars Volta cd that hes been wanting (which i gave to him tonight in his sickly, druged-up-on-pharmacudicals stupor) and we saw stephanie paul, which was cool. and then we went to DQ and got carmel moolates and i think i have a new love. cresten im sry, i think i might leave you for the carmel moolate.
well anywho. tonight play practice sucked, as always. and i went over to crestens and got our prom pics and his senior pics. heres some of em. yay! im so pretty. hes so pretty! were so pretty!

this is my fav. mom says "he looks like that rolling stones guy"

this is his senior pic of us together. woot.

this is our prom pic. aww. sort of. i look funny.
oh well. im all excited about pics.
lol well im tired and gonna go. oh and drew dont even think about making play practices longer or ill hate you forever.
my boobs hurt. i hate PMSing. cuz yeah.
well. now that the estatic has run its course, im back to the nonchalant veronica.
oh yeah. and... uhh... dang i forgot.