Listening to: bah
what the fuck, it has been how goddamn long since he purchased all the pc parts and some of them still rnt fucking in.
work is going ok... my supermarket job is giving me more hours this week. i havent worked at the theatre in i dont know how long. feels like a month. but it has only been like a week or so. more hours over there means more money so its ok.
shit is going good for the most part i guess. super tony should be out here relatively soon. and then i will be back in cali and then be back here. i know it is going to suck having to leave home again. but it will be too much fun going back for me to consider missing it.
have i mentioned i am really tired of not having a pc and having to use the one here at the theatre. i want the new pc up now.......
ill try to write more... peace.
