today was a good day for many reasons......
my roomate has decided to stop his habbit of smoking. i am very happy for him. i wish i had that intention myself but i dont. i enjoy it way too much to stop myself. with his decision comes changes in both of our life styles. no more smoking in the smoking sections of bars or resraurants. no more smoking in his car. no more long nights of drinking and smoking on the porch. but thats ok with me. i will support him in every way i can.
because of his decision i will now be cooking almost every meal for him. he is over weight somewhat and has decided to trim it down a bit. i dont think he is in terrible shape but i will support that too. i love cooking. in fact the last job i had back in california was that of a chef. i loved it and i love making foods people enjoy. thus, i will be cooking healthy meals for him on an everyday basis. i think i will benifit from this as well.

today my motivation for school and the years to follow hit an all time high. i want nothing more than to be able to follow through this goal. i know i can. i love this campus and the town. spending the next few years here will be awesome. i spent way too long in a rut in some city where i was unable to do anything good for myelf. thank you garrett for bringing me out here. lots of love bro.
i talked to a good friend of mine tonight/early morning. B... i love you man. you kick ass in more ways than you know. you cannot let people affect you the way they have.... you have to be the most important person in your life. you must except that. i love helping people too bro, but sometimes you have to let others go to help yourself. there are people out there who care for you and love you. they may not show it but they do. likewise on your part. dont let bad shit hinder you. drink your beer. smoke you cig's. but always get up the next day and take that next step to gettin the fuck out of there man. i know you can do it. if i didnt think you could, i wouldt waist my time with this shit.
i love you bro. prove me right.