Listening to: TV
Feeling: torn
Well, today I got all my paper work done for the Marines. So I'm officially in. I go Monday for MEPS. Monday morning I get to PT with SSgt, Garrett, and whoever else shows up. Then after that, I leave for MEPS. Garrett says I'll be spending the night there, which is going to suck. I wish he could come to Indy with me. I don't want to go by myself.
Oh... here's something funny for you... I've all ready lost 10 pounds and I have to loose another 14 pounds. So Garrett tells SSgt to buy me some Hollywood 48-hour Miracle Diet stuff. Well I took some Thursday morning and so did Garrett. By noon, G was sh*tt*ng his brains out and it hadn't touched me. Now it's Saturday and it still hasn't touched me but G's been sh*tt*ng like none other. So, SSgt was like, "Let's buy you a little green bottle". Yep, I'm taking a laxitive and I really doubt I'll loose 14 pounds on it for Monday. I wonder what will happen if I don't loose 14 pounds. Guess I prolly won't go... then I'll have to wait a week, which is okay with me.
Well, it's been about an hour since I drank 7 oz of that laxitive and I'm waiting for it to kick in. I will laugh my @ss off if it doesn't work, especially since the Hollywood Diet didn't work.
Well, later

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