Listening to: Pippin aka Billy Boyd - Steward of Gondor
Feeling: longing
*sighs before she goes into her rant* this is going to be personal and if you aren't a close friend then this will mean nothing to you. *sighs again to clear her mind*
Well I have this friend that is pushing himself to the limit (you know who you are). It's partly my fault but he won't admit it cause he says I only opened his eyes... which makes it my fault. *stumbles over herself* Well.... I... ummm... I don't want him to get hurt and well he's told me that he passed out while he was working and I got really scared, but he was joking about it. He said tis was funny, it was funny. I was truly worried because he passed out cause he was sick. He always says that no one cares about him, but he knows that I do and one other person does. I'm not sure what to tell him anymore... I think I've sorta lost hope that he'll listen to me, though he still does occasionaly, but on silly things. I just want him to go easier on himself, not to push himself so hard. He likes to joke that he's Superman, and well I have to agree, he is sorta like him, but even superman had his weakness.
*shakes her head slowly* I just don't want him to get hurt. I told him many times that i worry over him getting hurt and he tells me I worry to much, but I can't help it. He's my friend... my best guy friend, really.
*sighs, as she has finished her rant*
Sorry if I worry anyone with this but i just had to get it off my chest, and yes I really am worried about him. I don't want him to do anything to drastic and then end up regretting it later....
Well I think I'm outta here. until next time.
This is Draqulynlee padding off.

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