congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla hey people...jees i am so so sore right now from the river! i am covered in bruises and scratches and it hurts so bad. oh well it was fun anyways even if i almost drowned. yeah i was talking to my mom this morning and she was telling me that im lucky that i didnt die this week from the waterfall thing when i got pulled under the current. that kinda freaked me out a little when she said that because i got to thinking and heres what i realized: that all those times that i got draged under, if Ted wasnt there all those times to pull me out, i dunno if i would have been able to get myself out of those positions..jees i am in pain from the bruises! ouch...anyways thank god for Ted because hes a good friend to help me out....i mean if he really didnt care for me as a friend then he wouldnt have been there to help me when Stefany and Bridgette would leave. i mean yeah i gave them a good piece of my mind when they just went off and left me that one time and Ted was the only one to stay with me. lets just say im not too happy with them right now, but oh well they still are my friends even if they dont care if i freakin drown...lol i sound like a clutz hu? well im not, its just i put myself in those dumb situations that caused things to happen and the only other person to do it with me was Ted. but they still were right there when it happened and they kept walking. i dunno im just frustrated with them right now.im just glad i have him as a friend that wont leave like that, even though i feel bad for making him save me that much because im not sure what was going through his mind while he was doing it. he was prolly like "omg not again"....but i dunno well im outa this joint people laterz Gaterz <3, Krystal