I've been watchin alot of Sex and the city and i've decided I want to live in New York or San Francisco in a loft ... where I work 9 to 5 in an office where I get to wear suits with stiletto heels and have a coffee cup on my desk and go out after work with my girlfriends and drink martini's. I want to be able to go out with my girls, yet leave with a man. not to the extint of samantha, but maybe miranda or carrie or rose. I don't want to fuck and wake up the next morning and i'm staring at his empty ruffled side of the bed ... but we wake up together, maybe have breakfast and maybe remain friends or at least aquaintances, or who knows, maybe even more than that. I don't wanna fuck jerks who i never see again. I wanna spend my weekends taking a pilates class or a kick boxing class. Having lunch with a friend at a local tiny quaint cafe on a corner. Seeing a movie alone :shudders: Reading a book wrapped up on my couch with a cup of hot cocoa on the table next to it.
This is the life I want to live at the age of 23 to like 27. I'm in no hurry to get married. if it happens, it happens but i won't be frantic and have a specific age where I need to be married and have 7 children before im considered an old bitch who needs to stay inside watching soap operas feeding her cats. *i do that now* I don't like plans, I don't like things set out. I'll get married whenever I meet my other and he pops the question. I'd love to be proposed to at a baseball game on the big screen. The announcer comes on directing my attention from my big bag of sunflower seeds that im accidently spitting on the man in front of me to the screen where the words
Krystal, Will u Marry Me
are displayed. Romance. :sigh: I'd love it.
haha...i dont know whats getting me thinking about all this stuff, but you know...
tata my loves ♥
p.s. looky looky there...

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