After much inner debate as to when/whether to do it, I finally settled on midnight last night (the day I found my CAMERA that's been missing for 2 months).
Yay for late-night DIY jobs. They are all kind of crooked and I'll probably have to take them out (if not to get them re-done, then because my grandmother will freak when she finds out, or because of the dental surgery I have in 3 weeks), but right now I'm quite proud of having actually DONE SOMETHING with my summer and I refuse not to take pride in my work.

After putting my hair up (for the first time in 6 years), I got really excited about what the next minutes would hold.

Yicky-faces at the boring, unpierced ears.

After I finally did the left ear (the first one). It took me about 25 minutes to work up the nerve, even with the level of excitement. I started to wuss out and numb my ears, but I hate cold and the ice was hurting more than the damned piercing would o.0

Ahh, satisfaction! At first (since I was using a piercing gun, and they're inefficient and outmoded) the stud didn't go all the way through. I had to pull it out and try again (I don't have the inner strength/masochism/drunkenness required to push it through by hand). The second one was less in-place, but it still turned out pretty ok.

Both sides. I was so happy to find that I could actually work up the balls to do it ^.^

One more to do, top-left orbital. (DO NOT attempt this. What I did was INCREDIBLY stupid and impulsive; I was in a very manic mood and this can cause disfiguring infection, especially if DIY'ed, and especially when done with a piercing gun)

(But it did get the job done - it went through without a hitch)

This is how I had to do my hair to get it out of the way. Isn't that just DEAD SEXY?

I was so happy, I had to take an upside-down pic.

My favorite after-pic.
I was so excited, I couldn't stop grinning all night.
***NEVER do a piercing yourself without the appropriate knowledge, skills and equipment. If you are a first-timer, ALWAYS go to a professional to have it done. Research done on the internet will never be complete or completely accurate. My way about this was WRONG and should not be attempted.***